Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here we go!

So this is it. The grand re-launching of the Brunnengraeber family blog. We decided that this would be a good way to keep our family afar updated on our status in a fun and interactive way.

Our house is a zoo. I try to be honest with myself. We live in chaos, as all parents of young children can attest to, but this is blissful chaos, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. There is too much noise, too much mess and sometimes, too much stress, but I can't imagine living any other way.

Our nearly five year old is a bossy little know-it-all, who is usually right. She is also a very compassionate soul who cannot bear to see suffering, and is the first to run for a lovey if her brother or sister gets hurt. She is exceptional (as all parents believe their children are), precocious as can be and so smart that it takes me by surprise to this day. I always say by the time she is 7 she'll be smarter that her parents. Our three and a half year old son is a ball of constant movement, he cannot bear to be still. The noise mentioned earlier is usually attributed to him...and the little one. The other side of Eli is unexpected, he is the most affectionate and loving child I have ever known, from the time of his birth this has been true. He will gaze at you with those angelic blue eyes and golden curls and say, "I love you Mom...this much!" spreading his arms as wide as they will reach. Nothing could touch a parent more profoundly than such an expression from their offspring. He is bright and easy-going the majority of the time, but oh can that temper surprise you! Then there is Olivia, our youngest, and the firecracker of the bunch. She started out as such a mild-mannered baby and has grown into a very demanding and impatient darling. Her dark locks are constantly in her eyes, and she bats them away in annoyance, yet when we restrain her hair with a band she pulls until it is free. The complexity that is Livy Lou, as we call her. She has dark blue eyes and the cutest button nose, and she LOVES to eat! Don't dare keep her waiting. She cannot stand to be out of the mix of things, following her older siblings everywhere and trying to play whatever they do. These three loves keep us VERY busy.

My loving husband and I have been married for 8 years this fall, and it has been a wondrous journey. Learning the intricacies of each other has been at times challenging, yet always worth the effort. He is an amazing man of faith, and an incredible father to our children. At times I still get misty eyed thinking of how blessed I am, that Jesus Christ chose for me this perfect mate. The fulfillment of all I hoped for as a little girl. The Prince in all of my fairy tales...truly he is my other half. Phillip is the love of my life, and this blog is the chronicles of our they happen. So stay tuned and be prepared for a frank look at life and an honest perspective of child rearing. Because you likely won't find any sugar-coating here. But we hope that our families will keep abreast of our lives, long-lost friends will reconnect with us and perhaps random folks will find encouragement in our trials, struggles and victories.

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